On this page we post all notes, obligatory assignment answers, examination answers with results and other resources we receive for ENG1103: English Phonetics and Intonation (Received Pronunciation). It is Silje Øksland Krohne who initiated this page. Please contact m.me/silje.krohne (messenger) or siljekrohne@folkeliggjort.no if you want to participate in the project, or submit your own resources by using the button below.
“Resources in …” is a project where we aim to share resources in various courses on one page, such as this one. You can read more about the project here, and join our Discord-server to receive help in making your own “Resources in…” page. You can find the rest of our projects for higher education on the page “Universitet og høyskole – Folkeliggjort”. Folkeliggjort is a voluntary non-profit organization, aiming for widespread accessibility for the general population. You too can join us in creating a culture of sharing!
Good resources for ENG1103
Here we promote particularly good resources and tools for the course, which aren’t necessarily connected to a specific semester.
The University’s course page for ENG1103 is a good resource. Remember to have a look at materials from previous semesters!
Here we show off the best resources made for a specific semester. These deserve to be used and improved upon!
From Silje Øksland Krohne V2021.
From Silje Øksland Krohne V2021.
Resources for ENG1103
Resources from Silje Øksland Krohne
These notes are written by Silje Øksland Krohne V2021. They are divided into intonation notes and phonetics notes, both focusing on received pronunciation. I have spent a lot of time studying for this course, and received an A after my examination. In preparing for my exam, these notes were my main tool. They are heavily influenced by the books on the curriculum.